The Cub Scout Pack 311 at Trinity Lutheran Church

About Us

Our Pack of Cub Scouts are dedicated to serving our community and acheving  personal growth through many parent-son activities. If you and your son would like to experiance this growth together please come out and join us. Through his participation in the Scouting program, and with your guidance, your son will be well on his way toward developing strong character, good citizenship, and health personal fitness habits.  Our Cub Scouts enjoy all that Scouting has to offer. Our membership is growing at a steady pace. With this growth, we have been able to accomplish more, and have a larger impact upon our Kids and community. We welcome you with open arms. Please inquire today about how you can become a part of our growing Scout Pack.
Join today!
Call (561) 445-0420
Cub Scout Packs 311
400 N. Swinton Ave.
Delray Beach,FL 33445
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